Welcome to Polar Star Lodge 5-472, Aurora, Illinois - Sons of Norway!
General information including lodge news, current newsletter, and upcoming events is provided below. Click on the navigation links above for additional information.
This information is for official Sons of Norway business use only. Use of this information for solicitation or commercial purposes
and is a violation of the Sons of Norway privacy policy and is strictly prohibited.
Contact Cultural Director Barb Johnson for additional information and
details about the various Sons of Norway culture medals.
Refer to the January 2024 Polar Star Newsletter or contact Cultural Director Barb Johnson for information and details.
Polar Star Lodge members as of
December 2023:
Current Events:
January 25-26, 2025 - Saturday-Sunday
- Norge Ski Club International
Winter Ski Jump Tournament held at Fox River Grove, IL.
- Noon - 4 p.m. each day (gates open 11
- Ski jumpers from around the world
compete on the 70-meter high ski jump.
- For additonal information, see January
2024 newsletter or contact Nancy Andersen.
February 2, 2025 - Sunday
- Program: Penny Social Auction;
bring your
treasures at 1:00 pm for the re-sale at auction after the luncheon! (25 cents per ticket).
- Polar Star annual "Souper Bowl" Competition.
- Bring a dish to pass and your own table service.
- Wear your Norwegian
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the
Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and label each package. No nuts please.
- Please bring non-perishable food items
(or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
1:30 Pot
Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen
Oswald and Soup competitors.
March 2, 2025 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: Fastelavn Sondag
and "Celebrating Norwegian Immigration" - Crossing 2025.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items
(or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen
Hosts: Sue and Steve Tanda, Carol DeVito and Frank Krawczyk.
Additional Meetings and Events
Sons of Norway:
The mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, and to provide insurance and financial products to its members.
Information about Polar Star Lodge
Information about Sons of Norway International
Past Events
and Newsletters
to Norwegian-related websites and other information of interest
Contacts (Polar Star officers/board,
newsletter editor, webmaster, new members)