Meetings and Events
This page provides information about:
Regular Meetings - Polar Star Lodge meets on the 1st Sunday of the month. Our potluck luncheon is at 1:30, followed immediately by a monthly program and the business meeting. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service.
St. Olaf Lutheran Church
1233 Douglas Avenue
Montgomery, IL 60538
Refer to Newsletters for additonal details.
January 5, 2025 -
- Program: Awards and Viking Music.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Jeanne and Craig Leifheit.
January 25-26, 2025 - Saturday-Sunday
- Norge Ski Club International
Winter Ski Jump Tournament held at Fox River Grove, IL.
- Noon - 4 p.m. each day (gates open 11
- Ski jumpers from around the world
compete on the 70-meter high ski jump.
- For additonal information, see January
2024 newsletter or contact Nancy Andersen.
February 2, 2025 - Sunday
- Program: Penny Social Auction; bring your treasures at 1:00 pm for the re-sale at auction after the luncheon! (25 cents per ticket).
- Polar Star annual "Souper Bowl" Competition.
- Bring a dish to pass and your own table service.
- Wear your Norwegian sweater.
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and label each package. No nuts please.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald and Soup competitors.
March 2,
2025 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: Fastelavn Sondag and "Celebrating Norwegian Immigration" - Crossing 2025.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen Hosts: Sue and Steve Tanda, Carol DeVito and Frank
April 6,
2025 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: Pioneer Food and Music.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a Viking dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen Hosts: TBD.
May 4, 2025 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: Polar Star Memorial Service.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your table service and a Viking era dish to share.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen Hosts: TBD.
June 7, 2025 - Saturday - 8-11
- Program: Norway Museum Frokost (breakfast) and Open House. The Norsk Musem will open for visitors for the 2024 season.
- Norsk Museum, 3656 E. 2631 Road, Norway Illinois
- Pre-packaged Norwegian baked goods needed for the event. Contact Nancy Andersen or Barb Johnson to volunteer and to let us know what type of baked goods you are
- Workers should arrive by 7:30 a.m.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge
July 2, 2025
- No event scheduled.
- Polar Star Family Month.
August 3, 2025 -
- Program: Pioneer Polse Piknik and Ice Cream Social.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Hotdogs will be served. Please bring a dish to pass, your table service,
and a lawn chair, and a non-perishable food donation for St. Olaf's food pantry.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: FrTBD.
September 7, 2025 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Scandinavian Festival.
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 5:30 pm.
- Set-up 9 am.
- Program: Scandinavian Festival Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth.
- All Members: Start baking (and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our Bakeri booth, and look for
Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and
Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
- Contact Nancy Andersen with volunteer shift and baked goods.
October 3-5, 2025 - Friday through Sunday -
Norway, Illinois
- "Celebrating Norwegian Immigration" - Culture Weekend at the Community Center in Norway, IL. Celebrating the
200th anniversary of the Norwegian immigration to the Fox Valley area, and a fun look at the early "Slooper" settlers.
- Please
plan to bring lots of Norwegian baked goods to share with all participants over the entire
- Weekend
includes Sunday Norwegian church service at Stavanger Lutheran Church, and the Slooper Society's Annual
Meeting and Luncheon.
- Hosts: Polar Star Lodge, Cleng Peersen Lodge, and Norsk Museum.
November 2, 2025
- Sunday - Noon to 3:00 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival
- Early set-up on Saturday Nov 1 at 1pm.
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members (arrive at 10:00 for final set up).
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members
December 7, 2025 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration and Smakaker (cookie) Bake-off
- 1:00 Tree Trimming, Christmas card making, and cookie decorating.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon and gift exchange.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Participate in our 2026 Jólabókaflód ("Christmas Book Flood") by bringing a large candy bar and a book either about Norway or
by a Norwegian author.
- See the November 2025 newsletter for all details about our Polar Star Juletrefest.
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star Board
January 6, 2024 - Saturday
- 9 am - St. Olaf Lutheran Chruch
- Lefse Making Workshop with Vi Skogen
January 7, 2024 - Sunday
- Program: Polar Star Festival
of Norwegian Women
- 1:30
Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Celebration our Norwegian mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and special friends. Bring pictures and stories of their history and influence on family, friends and community. Costumes and
mementoes are encouraged.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen
Hosts: Diana Raimond and Ed Hatteberg.
January 27-28, 2024 - Saturday-Sunday
- Norge Ski Club International
Winter Ski Jump Tournament held at Fox River Grove, IL.
- Noon - 4 p.m. each day (gates open 11
- Ski jumpers from around the world
compete on the 70-meter high ski jump.
- For additonal information, see January
2024 newsletter or contact Nancy Andersen.
February 4, 2024 - Sunday
- Program: Penny Social Auction;
bring your
treasures at 1:00 pm for the re-sale at auction after the luncheon! (25 cents per ticket).
- Polar Star annual "Souper Bowl" Competition.
- Bring a dish to pass and your own table service.
- Wear your Norwegian
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the
Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and label each package. No nuts please.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food
1:30 Pot
Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald
and Soup competitors.
March 3, 2024 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: "Children of Ash and
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Try to find a Viking era dish to pass
to kick off our year of studying our past.
- Please bring non-perishable food items
(or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen
Hosts: Sue and Steve Tanda, Carol DeVito and Frank
April 7, 2024 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: Viking Fun: Lives of the
Vikings through their games and entertainment.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a Viking dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen
Hosts: Jeanne and Craig Leifheit.
May 5, 2024 - Sunday - 1:30
- Program: Jeanne Lefheit will be sharing her 2023 trip experience celebrating Syttende Mai in Bergen Norway.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your table service and a Viking era dish to
- Polar Star Monthly
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food
- Kitchen Hosts: Carol and Richard Vigsnes.
June 1, 2024 - Saturday - 8-11 a.m.
- Program: Norway Museum
Frokost (breakfast) and Open House. The Norsk Musem will open for visitors for the 2024 season.
- Norsk Museum, 3656 E. 2631 Road, Norway Illinois
- Pre-packaged Norwegian baked goods needed for the event. Contact Nancy
Andersen ior Barb Johnson to volunteer and to let us know what type of baked goods you are bringing.
- Workers should arrive by 7:30 a.m.
- Kitchen
Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members.
June 19-22, 2024 - District 5 Convention
July 2, 2024 - No event scheduled
- Polar Star Family
August 4, 2024 - Sunday
- Program: Polse
Piknik, Part 2 of our Viking Trivia Contest, and Polar Star Viking Games
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Hotdogs will be served. Please bring a dish to pass, your table service, and a lawn chair, and
a non-perishable food donation for St. Olaf's food pantry.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen
Hosts: Frances Berg, Al Benson, Tom Harkins.
September 8, 2024 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Scandinavian
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 5:30 pm.
- Set-up 9 am.
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth.
- All Members: Start baking
(and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our Bakeri booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking
Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
- Contact Nancy Andersen with volunteer shift and baked goods.
October 6, 2024 - Sunday - Noon
- We will be attending the Slooper
Society Annual Meeting at the Community Center in Norway, IL.
- Catered Luncheon. Please
RSVP with Barb Johnson as soon as possible; $15 per person.
- Program: Celebrating the 200th
anniversary of the Norwegian immigration to the Fox Valley area, and a fun look at the early "Slooper" settlers.
- Please plan to bring Norwegian baked
goods to share with meeting participants.
- Sons of NorwayFoundation month.
November 3, 2024 - Sunday - Noon to 3:00 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall
- Early set-up on Saturday Nov 2 at
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members
(arrive at 10:00 for final set up).
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food;
shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations;
Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar
Star Lodge members
December 1, 2024 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest
Celebration and Smakaker (cookie) Bake-off
- 1:00 Tree Trimming, Christmas card
making, and cookie decorating.
- 1:30 Pot Luck
Luncheon and gift exchange.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Participate in our 2025 Jólabókaflód ("Christmas Book Flood") by bringing a large candy
bar and a book either about Norway or by a Norwegian author.
- See the November 2024 newsletter for all details about our Polar Star Juletrefest.
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star
December 3, 2023 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration and Smakaker (cookie) Bake-off
- 1:00 Tree Trimming, Christmas card
making, and cookie decorating.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon and gift exchange.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Participate in our 2024 Jólabókaflód ("Christmas Book Flood") by bringing a
large candy bar and a book either about Norway or by a Norwegian author.
- See the November 2023 newsletter for
all details about our Polar Star Juletrefest.
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star Board
November 5, 2023
- Sunday - Noon to 3:00 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival
- Early set-up on Saturday Nov 4 at
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members
(arrive at 11:00; arrive at 10:00 for final set up).
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members
October 8, 2023 - Sunday
- Join the Slooper Association at their annual meeting in the Norway, Illinois Community Center.
- The meeting will be followed by a dinner hosted by the Norsk Museum.
October 1, 2023 - Sunday - 10:15 am
- Church service at St. Olaf Lutheran
Church, celebrating their 135th anniversary. Wear your most festive Norwegian sweater or bunad.
- Polar Star's Norwegian Choir will be singing at the service. Come early at 8:30 for rehearsal.
- Immediately after the service, an
anniversary "coffee" reception will be held in the Fellowship Hall. In honor of the event, please bring a Norwegian dessert to share.
September 10, 2023 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Scandinavian
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 5:30 pm.
- Set-up 9 am.
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth.
- All Members: Start baking
(and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our Bakeri booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking
Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
- Contact Nancy Andersen with volunteer shift and baked goods.
August 6, 2023 - Sunday
- Program: Polar Star Viking
Games 2023 and Polse Piknik
- 1:30
Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Hotdogs will be served. Please bring a
dish to pass, your table service, and a lawn chair, and a non-perishable food donation for St. Olaf's food pantry.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen
Hosts: TBD
June 3, 2023 - Saturday - 8-11 a.m.
- Program: Norway Museum
Frokost (breakfast) and Open House. The Norsk Musem will open for visitors for the 2023 season.
- Norsk Museum, 3656 E. 2631 Road, Norway Illinois
- Pre-packaged Norwegian baked goods needed for the event. Contact Nancy
Andersen to volunteer and to let her know what type of baked goods you are bringing.
- Workers should arrive by 7:30 a.m.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members.
May 20-21, 2023
- Celebrate Styttende Mai.
- Refer to the newsletters for details about the Saturday May 20 Norwegian National League luncheon and Sunday May 21 Hodges Park
festivities and parade, and also for information about the Syttende Mai Festival in Stoughton, Wisconsin.
May 7, 2023 - Sunday - 1:30
- Program: Celebrating Styttende Mai. May Day memorial celebration.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a dish to
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen Hosts: Carol DeVito,
Frank Krawczyk, Steve and Sue Tanda.
April 3,
2023 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: Gladmat "Happy Food" Fest
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service. Come at 1:15
with one
of your family favorite dishes and the recipe to share. See the March 2023 newsletter for instructions and the form to fill out.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen Hosts: Jeanne and Craig Leifheit, and Carol and
Richard Vigsnes.
March 5, 2023 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Program: Polar Star Textile Fair;
set-up Noon-1pm.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen
Hosts: Frances Berg, Al Benson, Sus and Steve Tanda.
February 5, 2023 -
- Program: Penny Social Auction; bring your treasures at 1:00 for
the re-sale at auction after the luncheon! (25 cents per ticket).
- Polar Star Norwegian Soup Competition.
- Bring a dish to pass, your own table service, and non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf food pantry.
- Wear your Norwegian sweater.
- Please bring non-perishable food items
(or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald, Barb Johnson, Nancy Andersen.
February 11-12, 2023 -
- Norge Ski Club International Winter Ski Jump Tournament held at Fox River Grove,
- Noon - 4 p.m. each day (gates open 11 a.m.)
- Ski jumpers from around the world compete on the 70-meter high ski jump.
- For additonal information, contact Nancy Andersen.
January 8, 2023 -
- Program: "My Masse Moro Experience" presented by Scarlett Anderson.
- Also, introducing our lodge's meeting focus for 2023: "The Year of the Woman
- Norwegian American Women".
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your table
service and a dish to share.
- Bring pictures and stories about the Norwegian women in your family.
- Wear your Norwegian
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen Hosts: Diana Raimond and Ed Hatteberg.
December 4, 2022 -
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration and Smakaker (cookie) auction, with proceeds donated to the
Sons of Norway Foundation.
Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration and Smakaker (cookie)
- 12:30 Cookie
- 1:00 Tree Trimming and gift
- 1:30 Pot Luck
Luncheon. Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Gathering around the tree, listening to Norwegian
Christmas music, and singing Christmas carols. Adult gift exchange this year, and bringing gifts for children.
- Optional Jólabókaflód - bring your favorite book written by a Norwegian or
Norwegian American author and a large chocolate bar
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star Board
November 6, 2022
- Sunday
Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest -
Fall Festival.
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar
Star members (arrive at 10-11:30).
- Taste Traditional Norwegian baked
goods and smørbrød (open face sandwiches); shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry at the Loppemarkt.
- Norwegian folk
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations;
Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Jewelry, Hardanger, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar
Star Lodge members.
October 23, 2022 - Sunday
- Cleng Peersen Lodge 50th Anniversary
- Knights of Columbus, Ottawa, Illinois.
- For
details, refer to the August 2022 and current newsletters.
October 8, 2022 - Saturday
- Norsk Museum Smorgasbord
- Norway, Illinois Community Center
- Two seatings; 3:30 and 5:30.
- For
details, refer to the August 2022 and current newsletters.
October 2, 2022 -
- Program: Norwegian American Women in Illinois, presented by Barb Johnson and Connie Kross.
- Sons of Norway Foundation month.
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon. Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items
(or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Kitchen Hosts: Phoebe and Al Bergh.
September 11, 2022 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Scandinavian Festival.
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 6 pm.
- Set-up 9 am.
- Program: Scandinavian Festival Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth.
- All Members: Start baking (and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our Bakeri booth, and look for
Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and
Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
- All Polar Star Lodge members: Please contact Nancy Andersen with volunteer shift and baked goods.
August 31- September 1, 2022
- Biennial Sons of Norway International
Convention/Lodge Meetng.
- Location TBD
August 7, 2022 -
- Program: Norwegian American
Women. Bring pictures and stories about the Norwegian women in your family.
- Viking games.
- Pot luck piknik luncheon. Bring a chair, your table service,
and a dish to share.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Kitchen Hosts: Frances Berg and Al Benson.
August 6, 2022 - Saturday
- Ruck March in support of St. Olaf's
food pantry.
- We will be walking starting at 10
AM at Violet Patch Park in Oswego along the Fox River, and carrying food in our backpacks to be donated to the pantry.
- Refer to the July
2022 Newsletter for full
June 15-19, 2022 - Saturday - 1-5 p.m.
- Annual Sons of Norway District 5 Lodge
- Madison Marriott West in Middleton, WI
- All Polar Star members can attend the culture classes.
- Refer to the April Newsletter or
contact President Ken Johnson for details.
June 4, 2022 - Saturday - 8-11
- Program: Norway Museum Open House and Breakfast. The Norsk Musem will open for visitors for the 2022 season.
- Norsk Museum, 3656 E. 2631 Road, Norway Illinois
- Pre-packaged Norwegian baked gods needed for the event. Contact Nancy
Andersen to volunteer and to let her know what type of baked goods you are bringing.
- Workers should arrive by 7:30 a.m.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star
Lodge members.
May 17,
- Celebrate Styttende Mai.
- Refer to the April 2022 newsletter for details about the Saturday
May 14 Norwegian National League dinner and Sunday May 15 Hodges Park festivities and parade.
- Also for information about the Syttende Mai Festival in Stoughton,
Wisconsin May 3-15.
May 1, 2022 - Sunday - 1:30
- Norwegian May Day.
- Polar Star
Service of Remembrance honoring members and their loved ones who have passed since 2018.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your table service and a dish to
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a dish to
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen Hosts: TBD???.
April 3,
2022 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Norwegian Stamp Collecting: Frimmerker med Art Andersen.
- Påskekrim with Barb Johhson.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Bring your table service and a dish to
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food Pantry.
- Kitchen
Hosts: Carol DeVito, Framk
March 6,
2022 - Sunday - 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
- Norwegian Dancers from Stoughton (WI) High
- Sponsored by Polar Star Lodge; open to the public.
- Cross Lutheran Church, 8609 IL Route 47, Yorkville, IL.
- Norwegian desserts needed for the event.
- Kitchen Hosts: All members.
February 6, 2022 - Sunday
- Program: Penny Social Auction; bring your treasures at 1:00 for re-sale at auction! (25 cents per ticket).
- Bring a dish to pass, your own table service, and non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf food pantry.
- Wear your Norwegian
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald,
Diana Raimond, Ed Hatteberg.
January 29-30, 2022 - Sunday
- Norge Ski Club International
Winter Ski Jump Tournament held at Fox River Grove, IL.
- Noon - 4 p.m. each day (gates open 11 a.m.)
- Ski jumpers from around the world
compete on the 70-meter high hill.
- For additonal information, contact Nancy Andersen.
January 2, 2022 - Sunday
- CANCELLED due to weather and Covid
- Program: Norwegian American Women.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Bring pictures and stories about the Norwegian women in your family.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Please bring non-perishable food items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food
- Kitchen Hosts: Barb Brungart, Frances and Roald Berg.
December 5, 2021 - Sunday - (Covid Safety)
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest
Celebration and Smakaker (cookie) auction, with proceeds donated to the Sons of Norway Foundation.
- Everyone attending should be vaccinated, and masks worn except when eating.
- 1:00 Tree
- 1:30 Pot Luck
- Polar Star Monthly
- Gathering around the tree and listening to Norwegian Christmas music. No adult gift exchange this year, but still have children gifts.
- Optional Jólabókaflód - bring your favorite book written by a Norwegian or Norwegian American author and a large chocolate
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star
November 7, 2021
- Sunday - (Covid Safety)
- Program: Polar Star Norsk Cuktural
Event - Fall Festival.
- 1:30 Pot Luck
Luncheon. Bring your table service and a dish to share.
- Bring a Norwegian food that you would
have made for Høstfest.
- Bring any Norwegian crafts/skills that
you worked on/toward during these last Covid months.
- Kitchen Hosts: Nancy
Andersen, Barb Johnson.
October 3, 2021 -
Sunday - (Covid Safety)
- Program: Masse Moro Heritage
presentation by Scarlett Anderson.
- Sons of Norway Foundation month.
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon. Bring a dish to
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts:
September 12, 2021 - Sunday
- Program: Annual
Scandinavian Festival.
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 6 pm.
- Set-up 9 am.
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth.
- All Members: Start baking
(and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our Bakeri booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking
Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
- Contact Nancy Andersen with volunteer shift and baked goods.
August 1, 2021 - Sunday
- Program: Polar Star Viking
Games 2021 and Piknik
- 1:30
- Our Polar Star Potluck will be outdoors and hotdogs will be served. Please bring a dish to pass and lawn chairs/tables/blankets.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen
Hosts: TBD
June 5, 2021 - Saturday - 1-5 p.m.
- Program: Norway Museum Open
House. The Norsk Musem will open for
visitors for the 2021 season.
- Norsk Museum, 3656 E. 2631 Road, Norway Illinois
- To
celebrate the return of on-site visitors, Polar
Star will gather for a picnic on the Museum grounds on Sunday, June
6 at our regular meeting time of 1:30.
- Pack your own lunches, drinks, and lawn chairs and enjoy visiting with Museum visitors as we explore the changes that have been made during our absence.
- Bring your Viking Kubb games and any other other outdoor game favorites.
May 16, 2021
- Celebrate Styttende Mai
- Celebrate Phyllis Benson's 100th birthday
May 2, 2021 - Sunday - 1:30 p.m.
- Outdoor Garden Party at St. Olaf Lutheran Church.
- Bring your lawn chairs, your own drink, and your garden gloves! Plan to “dig” in and get your
hands dirty!
- Sub Sandwiches, chips and a dessert will be provided by the
- Feel free to bring a pre-packaged food item to share.
- Church restroom facilities will be open.
- Please bring non-perishable items (or donate $) for the St. Olaf Food
April 17, 2021 - Saturday – 1:00 p.m.
- “ZOOM” into joining the Zoom Polar Star Book Club!
- Barb Johnson will be sharing the Zoom link and password.
April 11, 2021 - Sunday - 1:30
- Circle the wagons!
- Parking Lot Party at St. Olaf Lutheran Church.
- Meet in person outdoors to share our COVID year survival stories.
- Picnic food will be provided by President Ken and Barb.
- Bring a lawn chair and something to drink. Be prepared to share your
“Show and Tell” item(s).
April 3, 2021 - Saturday - 10:30 a.m.
- Virtual Norwegian Baking
- Barb Johnson will teach interested bakers how to create Norwegian recipes
that qualify for Part 1 of the Cooking Culture Medal. Interested bakers please send RSVP email to Barb to receive recipe ingredients and Zoom Meeting link and
March 6, 2021 - Saturday - 10:00 a.m.
- Virtual Norwegian Baking
- Barb Johnson will teach interested bakers how to create Norwegian recipes
that qualify for Part 1 of the Cooking Culture Medal. Interested bakers please send email to Barb to receive recipe ingredients and Zoom Meeting link and
February 6, 2021 - Saturday - 10:00 a.m.
- Virtual Norwegian Baking
- Barb Johnson will teach interested bakers how to create Norwegian recipes
that qualify for Part 1 of the Cooking Culture Medal. Interested bakers please send email to Barb to receive recipe ingredients and Zoom Meeting link and
February 7, 2021 -
- Program: Penny Social Auction; bring your treasures for re-sale at auction! (25 cents
per ticket); Also, Polar Star's Annual Norwegian Soup Cook
Wear your Norwegian sweater.
- 1:00 - Judging begins at 1:00 for your favorite Norwegian Soup.
1:30 Pot
Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen Hosts: TBD
January 9, 2021 - Saturday - 10:00 a.m.
- Virtual Norwegian Baking
- Barb
Johnson will teach interested bakers how to create Norwegian recipes
that qualify for Part 1 of the Cooking
Culture Medal. Interested bakers please send email to Barb to receive recipe ingredients and Zoom Meeting link and password.
January 3, 2021 - Sunday
- Program: "Polar Star 2021":
preview of 2021 activities; keeping track of SOFN volunteer hours; presenters Barb Johnson and Karen Oswald.
- 1:30
Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen Hosts:
December 6, 2020 -
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration and Smakaker (cookie) Bake-off.
- 12:30 Cookie Judging.
- 1:00 Tree Trimming and gift exchange.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting.
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star Board
November 21, 2020
- Saturday - CANCELLED
- Program: Annual Norwegian Smorgasbord (carry outs available).
- Norway Community Center in Norway, Illinois.
- Proceeds support the Norsk Museum Building Fund.
- Advance tickets only. Call 815-343-5070 to purchase.
- Kitchen Hosts: All Cleng Peerson & Polar Star Lodge members; bring at least two dishes to share.
- Contact John Morrow (Cleng Peersen lodge) with volunteer shift.
November 1, 2020
- Sunday - Noon to 3:30 pm - CANCELLED
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival.
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members (arrive at 11:30).
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Polar Star Norwegian Choir performance at 1:00.
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members
October 4, 2020 -
- Program: Polar Star Norway Heritage Tours, presented by Steve Tanda, Barb Johnson; and Celebrating Leif.
- 1:00 Potluck Luncheon. Bring a dish to share.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Phoebe and Al Bergh
September 13, 2020 - Sunday - CANCELLED
- Program: Annual
Scandinavian Festival.
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 6
- Set-up 9 am.
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth.
- All Members: Start baking
(and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking Norwegian
Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
- Contact Nancy Andersen with volunteer shift and baked goods.
August 16-23, 2020 - POSTPONED TO 2022
- Sons of
Norway International Convention in Hamar, Norway.
August 2, 2020 - Saturday - CANCELLED
- Program: Celebrating
- 1:30
Luncheon: Bring your own lawn chair, lunch and beverage.
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen
Hosts: TBD
July 13, 15, and 17, 2020 - CANCELLED
- How to Be a Viking (language,
cooking, games, stories, music)
- Yorkville Public Library, 10:00 to
- Contact Barb Johnson to volunteer or
for information.
June 24-28, 2020 - CANCELLED
- District 5 Convention in Madison,
- All Polar Star members can attend the culture classes.
- Contact Ken Johnson for details.
June - September, 2020
- 1-5 pm, Saturdays and Sundays
- Norsk Museum in Norway, Illinois
- Docent volunteers needed; contact Steve Tanda
June 6, 2020 - Saturday
- Program: Norway Museum Open House
- Norsk Museum, 3656 E. 2631 Road, Norway Illinois
- Time TBD
- Hosts: All Members
May 15-17, 2020 - Friday, Saturday, Sunday CANCELLED
- Syttende Mai weekend
May 3, 2020 - Sunday - Meeting at Yorkville Public
- Program: Speaker: Sandy Brehl, author of trilogy: "Odin's
Promse", Bjørn's Gift", and Mari's Hope". She is from Muskego, WI. The book illustrator may
also be there.
- Servng ham sandwiches and Norwegian
- Members to bring Norwegian desserts.
Table service not necessary.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Jerri Lynn Baker, Kelly Welin
April 19, 2020 - Sunday 2 p.m. - Cross
Lutheran Church, Yorkville, IL
POSTPONED to April 18,
- Norwegian Dancers from Stoughton (WI) High School
- Sponsored by Polar
April 5, 2020 - Sunday CANCELLED
- Program: Smørbrød and Språktime
- Smørbrød Past Present Future, presented by Diana Raimond and Barb Johnson.
- “Inger's Språkgriggere” will provide a Norwegian Language lesson.
- 1:30 Pot Luck
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen
Hosts: Carol Devito, Frank Krawczyk, Eleanor Bates
March 22, 2020 - Sunday 3 p.m. CANCELLED
- Polar Star Culture
Event: "A Doll's House", play by Henrik Ibsen
- Ravens Theatre, 6157 N. Clark Street,
- Tickets $38; contact Barb Johnson.
March 1, 2020 - Sunday
- Program: "Henrik Ibsen Søndag". Guest speaker Marie Gillespie will talk with us about Norwegian playwright Henrik
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Steve and Sue Tanda
February 2, 2020 -
- Program: Penny Social Auction; bring your treasures for re-sale at auction! (25 cents per ticket); Also, Polar Star's
Annual Norwegian Soup Cook
Wear your Norwegian sweater.
- 1:00 - Judging begins at 1:00 for your favorite Norwegian Soup.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and label each package. No nuts please.
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald
January 25-26, 2020 - Saturday & Sunday
- Norge Ski Club Jump Tournament
- 100 Ski Hill Road, Fox River Grove, IL
- Saturday: Junior Olympic Qualifiers
- Sunday: International Competition 12-4pm
- Contact Nancy Andersen or the December newsletter for details.
January 5, 2020 -
- Program: "Polar Star 2020": preview of 2020 activities; keeping track of SOFN volunteer hours; presenters Barb Johnson and Karen
- Don’t forget to bring your favorite Norwegian-related book with your favorite
chocolate to begin 2020.
- 12:00 Noon - Assemble the Kransekaka tower to serve at luncheon.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Roald and Frances Berg; Tom Harkins
January 4, 2020 - Saturday
- 9
am - Kransekake Baking Class
- Create a kransekake cookie tower and assemble the tower on Sunday, January 5th at noon, Eat tower at our potluck dinner (meets some
requirements for Norwegian Cooking Medal).
- Instructor Barb Johnson
December 8, 2019 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest
Celebration and Smakaker (cookie) Bake-off
- 12:30 Cookie
- 1:00 Tree Trimming and gift
- 1:30 Pot Luck
- Polar Star Monthly
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star
November 16, 2019
- Saturday - seatings at 3:30 or 5:30 pm
- Program: Annual Norwegian Smorgasbord (carry outs available)
- Norway Community Center in Norway, Illinois
- Proceeds support the Norsk Museum Building Fund
- Advance tickets only. Call 815-343-5070 to purchase
- Kitchen Hosts: All Cleng Peerson & Polar Star Lodge members; bring at least one dish to share
- Contact John Morrow (Cleng Peersen lodge) with volunteer shift.
November 3, 2019
- Sunday - Noon to 3:30 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members (arrive at 11:30)
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Polar Star Norwegian Choir performance at 1:00.
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members
October 6, 2019 - Sunday
- Program: Masse Moro Camp experience (Scarlett Anderson)
- 1:00 Potluck Luncheon. Bring a dish to share.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Jerri Lynn Baker; Phoebe & Al Bergh
September 12, 2019 - Thursday
Fox Valley
Norwegian Choir rehearsal for our November Høstfest performance. Polar Star and friends singers
- 7 pm
at St.
Olaf Church, Montgomery, IL.
rehearsals until Høstfest; information to follow from our choir director, Doris Pittman.
September 8, 2019 - Sunday
- Program: Scandinavian
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 6
- Set-up 9 am
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth
- All Members: Start baking
(and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking Norwegian
Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
- Contact Nancy Andersen with volunteer
shift and baked goods.
August 4, 2019 -
- Program: Polar Star Family Picnic and Grillmat
- 1:30 Potluck Indoor Polse Grillmat Piknik Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: NEEDED
July 8, 10, and
12, 2019
- How to Be a Viking (language, cooking, games, stories, music)
- Yorkville Public Library, 10:00 to Noon
- See June 2019 Newsletter or Contact Barb Johnson
June - September, 2019
- 1-5 pm, Saturdays and Sundays
- Norsk Museum in Norway, Illinois
- Docent volunteers needed; contact Steve Tanda
June 1, 2019 - Saturday
- Program: Norway Museum Frokost Breakfast and Open House
- Breakfast at Norway Community Building, Norway Illinois
- Time 8-11 am
- Hosts: All Members
May 5, 2019 - Sunday
- Program: Celebrating Syttende Mmai - wear red, white, and blue.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Diana Raimond and Ed Hatteberg
April 7, 2019 - Sunday
- Program: The Mystery of Nils; working toward Norwegian language culture medal.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Frances and Roald Berg
March 3, 2019 - Sunday
- Program: Jerri Lynn Baker: "My Freakin' 365 + 1"
- Norwegian Baking: Fastelaven Sondag
- Come at 12:30 to make fastelavenbolle
(cardamon whipped cream rolls)
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Sue and Steve Tanda
February 3, 2019 -
- Program: Penny Social Auction; bring your treasures for re-sale at the auction!
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Fish Soup cook-off.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and label each package. No nuts please.
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald, Carol & Richard Vigenes
January 26-27, 2019 - Saturday & Sunday
- Norge Ski Club Jump Tournament
- 100 Ski Hill Road, Fox River Grove, IL
- Saturday: Junior Olympic Qualifiers
- Sunday: International Competition 12-4pm
- Contact Nancy Andersen for details
January 7, 2019 -
- Program: Preview of 2019 activities;
keeping track of SOFN volunteer hours.
- 12:30 -
Culture teams and Barbara Brungart prepare Lutefisk for Cooking Medal Part 3.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon;
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Carol DeVito, Frank Krawczyk
December 2, 2018 -
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration
- 1:00 Tree Trimming
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star Board
November 17, 2018
- Saturday - seatings at 4:00 or 5:30 pm
- Program: Annual Norwegian Smorgasbord (carry outs available)
- Norway Community Center in Norway, Illinois
- Proceeds support the Norsk Museum Building Fund
- Advance tickets only; phone 815-343-5070
- Kitchen Hosts: All Cleng Peerson & Polar Star Lodge members; bring at least one dish to share
November 4, 2018
- Sunday - 11:30 am to 3:30 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Polar Star Norwegian Choir
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members
October 7, 2018 - Sunday - Norway Illinois
Community Building
- Program: Slooper Society; Stoughton Norwegian Dancers;
Norwegian Knife Maker; "Norwegian Americans and WW1"
- 1:00 Potluck Luncheon. Bring a dish to share.
- Doors open at 12:00.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Jeri Lynn; Al & Phoebe
September 13 to November 1, 2018
- Fox Valley Norwegian Choir rehearsals for November 4 Høstfest program;
Doris Pittman, choir director.
- 7pm Thursdays, September 13 to November 1
- St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Montgomery, IL
- Polar Star and friends singers
September 9, 2018 -
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10 am - 6 pm
- Set-up 9 am
- Program: Scandinavian Festival Waffle Making; Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market booth
- All Members: Start baking (and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our booth, and look for Norwegian
collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will be baking Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian
knit items and collectibles.
August 15-18, 2018 - Wednesday to Saturday
- Program: International
Convenion, Bloomington, MN
August 12, 2018
- Sunday
- Program: Polar Star Family Picnic and Norwegian Games at St
- 1:30 Potluck Indoor Polse Piknik
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: NEEDED
July 16, 18, and 20, 2018
- How to Be a Viking (language,
cooking, games, stories, music)
- Yorkville Public Library, 10:00 to
- See June 2018 Newsletter or Contact
Barb Johnson
June 27- July 1, 2018 - Wednesday to Sunday
- Program: District 5
Convenion, LaCrosse, WI
June - September, 2018
- 1-5 pm, Saturdays and
- Norsk Museum in Norway,
- Docent volunteers needed; contact Steve
June 2, 2018 - Saturday
- Program: Norway Museum Open House and Breakfast; Norway Illinois
- Time TBD
May 18-20, 2018 - Friday to Sunday
- Styttendemai Field Trip to Stouhghton,
- Details:
See December
2017 Newsletter
May 6, 2018 - Sunday
- Program: Polar Star Memorial Program
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Doris Pittman and Eleanor Bates
April 8, 2018 - Sunday
- Program: Curt B. Vevang, Author, Poet, Woorworker.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Vi Skogen, Betsy Olsen
March 4, 2018 - Sunday
- Program: How to Be a Viking; learn to play "Hnefatafl" norwegian game.
- Food Medal Teams will meet
at Noon to prepare a Viking Stew.
- 1:30 Viking Stew and Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Lindebrekke, Sue & Steve Tanda
February 4, 2018 -
- Program: Penny Auction; bring your treasures for re-sale at the auction!
- Food Medal Teams will meet at Noon to prepare a meat dish for the March meeting.
- 1:30 Chili Cook-off and Pot Luck
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and label each package. No nuts please.
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen O., Frances & Roald B
January 27-28, 2018 - Saturday & Sunday
- Norge Ski Club Jump Tournament
- 100 Ski Hill Road, Fox River Grove, IL
- Saturday: Junior Olympic Qualifiers
- Sunday: International Competition 12-4pm
See December
2017 Newsletter or
contact Nancy Andersen for details
January 7, 2018 -
- Program: Norway Winter Heutegruten Excursion, presented by Nancy & Art Andersen
- 12:00 Noon - Culture goal: Cooking Part 3; Boiled Cod
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon;
- 1:30 Literature table: discussion of "The Cotter's Son"
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Ed & Diana, Barb & Ken
December 3, 2017 - Sunday
- Program: Annual
Family Juletrefest Celebration
- 1:00 Tree
- 1:30 Pot Luck
- Polar Star
Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen
Hosts: Polar Star Board
November 18, 2017 - Sunday - seatings at 4:00 or 6:00 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Smorgasbord (carry outs available)
- Norway Community Center in Norway, Illinois
- Proceeds support the Norsk Museum BuildingFund
- Advance tickets only; phone 815-343-5070
- Kitchen Hosts: All Cleng Peerson & Polar Star members
November 5, 2017 - Sunday - 11:30 am to 3:30 pm
- Program: Annual
Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival
- Kitchen
Hosts: All Polar Star members
- Taste
Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Polar Star
Norwegian Choir
- Lefse and
Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen
Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members
October 1, 2017 - Sunday
- Program:
Kolrosing by Jeff Olson
- 1:30 Potluck
- Polar Star
Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen
Hosts: Jeri Lynn Baker; Sherri & Floyd Andersen
September 10, 2017 - Sunday
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
- Vasa Park in
South Elgin, 10 am - 6 pm
- Program:
Scandinavian Festival Waffle Making - Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market
- All
Members: Start baking (and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market).
We will be baking Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
August 7, 2017 - Sunday
- Program: The Lindebrekke Scandinavian Experience.
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: NEEDED
July 20-22, 2017 (Thur, Fri, Sat)
- Polar Star Field Trip.
- Norwegian Heritage Center (Stoughton, WI).
- Norwegian American Genealogical Center (Madison, WI)
- Old World Wisconsin.
- Quality Inn and Suites (Stoughton, WI)
- Registration TBD.
July 10, 12, & 14, 2017 (Mon, Wed, Fri)
- "How to Be a
Viking" Childrens' Workshops - Language, Cooking, Games, Music and Stories.
- Attend one,
two, or all three sessions.
- Registration
June 3, 2017 - Saturday
- Program: Norway Museum Open House and Breakfast; Norway Illinois
- Time TBD
May 1, 2017 -
- Program: Syttendemai Fish Boil
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Diana Raimond; Ed Hatteberg; Don Danielson
April 3, 2017 - Sunday
- Program: "Come for Coffee" with guest speaker Inger Langsholt
- Traditional Norwegian Desserts (arrive at noon to work toward part 2 of Tradiional Norwegian Food Culture Medal)
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Frances & Roald Berg
March 5, 2017 - Sunday
- Program: Penny Social
- 1:30 Pot Luck
- Polar Star
Monthly Meeting
- Penny Social: Bring your treasures for re-sale at the auction!
- Kitchen
Hosts: Carol Devito; Frank Krawczyk; Sue & Steve Tanda
February 11-12, 2017 - Saturday &
- Norge Ski Club Jump Tournament
- 100 Ski Hill Road, Fox River Grove, IL
- Saturday: Junior Olympic Qualifiers
- Sunday: International Competition 12-4pm
Contact Nancy
Andersen for more details
February 5, 2017 -
- Program: The Rothheim Family "American Experience".
- 1:30 Chili
Cook-Off Luncheon - Bring your Chili by 1 pm in a crockpot covered with a towel. If not participating in the cook-off, bring something to accomplany chili (cornbread, chopped onions, shredded cheese)
or a dessert.
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and llabel each package. No nuts please.
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald; Frances & Roald Berg
January 8, 2017 - Sunday
- Program:
Film about Art Andersen's father's work with poor and destitute immigrants (Norwegian and others) in 1920/1930 Brooklyn N.Y.
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Kitchen Hosts: Josie & Ben Gehler
December 4, 2016 -
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration
- 1:00 Tree Trimming
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Barb & Ken Johnson; Nancy & Art Andersen
November 6, 2016
- Sunday - 11:30 am to 3:30 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Polar Star Norwegian Choir
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
- Kitchen Hosts: all Polar Star Lodge members
October 2, 2016 -
- Program: "Celebrate Lief!"
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Jeri Lynn Baker; Phoebe & Al Bergh
September 11, 2016 -
- Program: Scandinavian Festival
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 10am - 6pm
- Program: Scandinavian Festival Waffle Making - Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market
- All Members: Start baking (and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked"
(flea market). We will be baking Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
August 7, 2016 - Sunday
- Program: Norwegian Barn Dance with Cleng Peerson Lodge
- Event with Polar Star & Cleng Peerson Lodges.
7,14,and 21, 2016 - Thursdays
- "How to Be a Viking" Childrens' Workshops - Language, Cooking, Games, Music and Stories.
- Attend one, two, or all three sessions.
- Call Yorkville Public Library to Register: 630-553-4354.
June 22-26 - Wednesday to
- Sons of Norway District 5 Annual Meeting
- Hotel Marshfield in Marshfield, Wisconsin
- Contact President Ken Johnson for details.
June 5, 2016 -
- Program: Midsummer Celebration
- Location: Anderson Tree Farm in Plainfield, IL, on Route 126, west of Route 59, just past Ridge Road.,
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: TBD
May 1, 2016 -
- Program: Preparing for Syttendemai
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Carol Devito; Frank Krawczyk; Pat Baughman
April 3, 2016 -
- Program: Polar Star Family Tree Fair
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Vi & Tom Skogen; Doris Pittman
March 13, 2016 - Sunday
- Sons of Norway District 5 Bowling Challenge
- Register to represent Polar Star Lodge.
- Contact Sports Director Jerri Lynn Baker for details.
March 6, 2016 -
- Program: "How to Trace Your Norwegian Roots: A Tale of Success"
presented by Winnie Stauffer.
- Traditional Norwegian Cooking: Food preparation 12:00 to 1:30:
(Group 1 at 12:00)
(Group 2 at 12:30)
Call Social Director Nancy
Andersen by Feb 29th to reserve your spot.
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- 2:00 Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Barb & Ken Johnson; Nancy & Art Andersen
February 7, 2016 -
- Program: Penny Social
- 1:30 Pot Luck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Bring a few dozen cookies for the Barnebirke. Be sure to wrap by the dozen and label each package.
- Penny Social: Bring your treasures for re-sale at the auction!
- Kitchen Hosts: Karen Oswald; Diana Raimond; Ed Hatteberg
January 3, 2016 - Sunday
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Program: “Godt Nytt Å” - Creating Your Family Tree (Unit 5 Genealogy, Part 1)
- Presented by Brooke Johnson
- Kitchen Hosts: Frances & Roald Berg; Josie & Ben Gehler
December 12, 2015 -
- Program: Polar Star Cookie Sale
- 9:00 am -12:00 Noon
December 6, 2015 - Sunday
- Program: Annual Family Juletrefest Celebration
- 1:00 Tree Trimming
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Polar Star Board
November 1, 2015 - Sunday - Noon to 3:30 pm
- Program: Annual Norsk Høstfest - Fall Festival
- Kitchen Hosts: All Polar Star members
- Taste Traditional Norwegian Food; shop for Scandinavian gifts and jewelry.
- Polar Star Norwegian Choir
- Lefse and Krumkake demonstrations; Norwegian Craft demonstrations: rosemaling, Kolrosing, Jewelry, and knitting.
October 4, 2015 - Sunday
- Program: "Celebrate Lief!"
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- “Kings of Norway" and a drop-spinning demonstration. Presented by Andrea Ødegaard, who is a Viking era specialist serving as a docent at the Field Museum’s “Vikings” Exhibit in Chicago.
- Kitchen Hosts: ?????
September 13, 2015 - Sunday
- Vasa Park in South Elgin, 9am - 6pm
- Program: Scandinavian Festival Waffle Making - Polar Star Bakery and Flea Market
- Start baking (and freezing) your favorite Norwegian baked goods to sell in our booth, and look for Norwegian collectibles at garage sales to re-sell in our "Loppemarked" (flea market). We will
be baking Norwegian Vaffler with Lingonberries on site, as well as selling pre-packaged baked goods and Norwegian knit items and collectibles.
August 9-10, 2015 -
- Polar Star participation in Montgomery Days.
August 2015 - Saturday - CANCELLED for 2015
- Program: 5th Annual Midsummer Viking Encampment Picnic and Kuub Challenge with Polar Star & Cleng Peerson Lodges.
- Leisure Lake
Resort, 21900 SW Frontage Rd, Joliet, IL.
- 10:00 a.m. to whenever.
- 11:00 - Barn (children's) crafts and Kubb open practice.
- Middag Feasting at 12 noon; Kubb Tournament at 1:00; Barn games at 1:30.
- Bring root vegetables for the Viking Stew, any viking dish to pass (viking
food and recipe ideas),
table service, hot dog roasting sticks, viking drinks, viking costumes, swimming gear, & red, white, and blue ribbons for jenta ribbon crowns.
- $4 per person admission to the campground.
- Swimming all day at the pool or beach; hay rides may be scheduled.
- Kubb Family Team
Registration Form.
- To report the Viking food you'll be bringing, or volunteer to serve on a committee or be on the Kuub Team, contact Barb Johnson or Nancy Andersen (see contact list)
- Kitchen Hosts: TBD
July 19-19, 2015 - Saturday-Sunday
- Cleng Peerson and Polar Star Norskedalen Field trip
July 2,9,16, & 24,
- Children's Workshop: "How to be a Viking".
July 2015
- No monthly meeting.
- Visit the Norsk Museum in Norway, Illinois, 1:00-5:00 pm, any Saturday or Sunday, June to September.
- Sign up to volunteer. Contact Frances or Roald Berg at 630-892-6803
June 7, 2015, Sunday
- Midsummer Celebration at Anderson
Tree Farm in Plainfield, IL.
- On Route 126, west of Route 59, just past Ridge Road.
- 1:30 Potluck.
- Bring picnic table service and a picnic dish to pass..
June 6, 2015, Saturday
- Norway Museum Breakfast & Craft Show
- 8:00 to 11:00 am
- Community Building
- Norway, IL
May 17, 2015 - Sunday
- Syttendemai parade
- Hodges Park in Park Ridge IL
May 16, 2014 Saturday
- Norwegian National League Syttendemai Banquet
- Barrington, IL
May 3, 2015 - Sunday
- Program: Polar Star Memorial Day.
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Vi & Tom Skogen; Doris Pittman, Pat Baughman.
April 12, 2015 - Sunday
- Program: Penny Auction (rescheduled from Feb1): Bring your treasures for re-sale at the auction! Tickets will be 25 cents each.
- Genealogy.
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Frances & Roald Berg; Josie & Ben Gehler.
28, 2015 - Saturday
- Torsk Dinner 3:30 - 6:30 pm
- Anderson Tree Farm (815-436-2140)
- Route 126, Plainfield
March 1, 2015 - Sunday
- Program: Cruising Norway. Diana and Ed Hatteberg will share experiences form their "Hurtigruten" Norwegian Coastal Voyage.
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Norm & Betsy Olson; Ed & Diana Hatteberg.
February Meeting - Cancelled due to snow
- If you have cookies for the Barnebirke, make arrangements to get them to the Polar Star President by February 15th. Wrap by
the dozen and label each package with type of cookie.
- Penny Auction has been re-scheduled to the April 12th meeting.
January 24-25, 2015 - Saturday & Sunday
- Norge
Ski Club Jump Tournament
- 100 Ski
Hill Road, Fox River Grove, IL
Saturday: Junior Olympic Qualifiers
- Sunday:
International Competition 12-4pm
January 4, 2015 - Sunday
- Program: Collecting Norwegian and North American Stamps
- 1:30 Potluck Luncheon
- Polar Star Monthly Meeting
- Kitchen Hosts: Barb and Ken Johnson
Regular Meetings - Polar Star Lodge meets on the 1st Sunday of the month. Our potluck luncheon is at 1:30, followed immediately by a monthly program and the business meeting. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. When applicable, the Norwegian Literature group and any other Norwegian cultural groups meet before the luncheon.
St. Olaf Lutheran Church
1233 Douglas Avenue
Montgomery, IL 60538
Annual Høstfest
Held annually the first Sunday in November. This year it would heve been held on Sunday November 7, 2021, but it has been cancelled again this year due to Covid
Kitchen Host Instructions for Monthly Pot Luck Luncheons- At least two members/families are needed to serve on the kitchen committee for
each regular meeting. Join in by volunteering for one time each year.
Anyone who can assist in setting up, serving, or cleaning up, feel free to pitch in. The kitchen committee will welcome your help!
Norwegian Dinner Prayer
Ì Jesu navn går
Vi til bords å spis
Å drikke på ditt ord
Deg Gud til ære oss
Til gavn så får
Vi mat ì Jesu navn.